@article{oai:hju.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001096, author = {田中, 秀毅 and Tanaka, Hideki}, issue = {13}, journal = {広島女学院大学英語英米文学研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The relative clause has long been discussed in various linguistic studies. Its research, however, seems never to be over. This paper presents another discussion on relative clauses, which focuses on the definiteness of the antecedents of a particular kind of relative clause, i.e.relative clauses that include "partitives" such as all of whom or each of which. i first summarize basic features of ordinary relative clauses whose antecedents are indefinite ("indefinite" relative clause). Then, I examine Lawano's (2004) claim that partitive-including relative clauses are always indefinite ones. My conclusion against that of Kawano (2004) is that both definite and indefinite relative clauses can include partitives. I explain defferences in interpretation between two types of relative clauses, and argue, against Kawano's claim to the contrary, that indefinite relative clauses including partitives do not violate the so-called partitive constraint.}, pages = {45--66}, title = {関係詞説と先行詞の定性について}, year = {2005}, yomi = {タナカ, ヒデキ} }