@article{oai:hju.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000039, author = {中島, 義和}, issue = {1}, journal = {広島女学院大学大学院論叢}, month = {Mar}, note = {In the final session of the English Teaching Methods course for prospective English teachers, a narrative reflection was conducted focusing on the mock teaching practice experiences. The purpose of the reflection was for the students to find their personal growth in the experiences. The words expressed as a narrative of the self were transcribed into writing to visualize the growth of the self. In this study, I focused on the words and analyzed them from the perspectives of finding out what was acquired from the class experiences and what was the key to growth. In addition, I made meanings from the perspectives of Sato's (2003 et al.) "Three Dialogic Practices," or dialogues with the "objects," the "others," and the "self."  The results suggest that diverse practical experiences, having perspectives as a teacher and ideal images, a sense of self-transformation, and encounters and interactions with different things and people contribute to the promotion of growth.}, pages = {1--15}, title = {「三つの対話的実践」の視点でのリフレクション分析研究 :英語科の模擬授業実習経験に自己の成長を見出すことを目的として}, year = {2024}, yomi = {ナカシマ, ヨシカズ} }